Betty – 1936

English II                                             5/4/36                                                  Phil Hodge



As she stands in the open door
Her face has a radiant glow
That beautiful wonderful girl
Who doesn’t belong here below

Her tresses of light brunette hair
That come down in waves from her head
Like ripples that play in the sea
Were made for carresses by me.

Her face is as clean as could be
Unblemished by lipstick or rouge.
The freckle or two on her nose
Show plenty of sunshine and air.

Her sparkling vivacious brown eyes
That twinkle at being alive
And her sweet, pretty, dimpled, young mouth
Completely describe her fair face.

Her neck that’s so slender and white
Leads down to her soft, silky dress
That covers her body so fair
Without losing its delicate charms.

The modest expanse of her legs
That appear ‘neath the fringe of her dress
Are neither too thin nor too fat
But just right, to complete her fair form

It’s hard to believe that it’s true
That it’s not just a beautiful dream
That this girl whom I see in the door
Is mine; mine to serve and to love.