January 8, 1955
Philip and Thea left the children at home with Mrs. Kalb while we went to Cambridge as guests of Professor J.P. Den Hartog.
On the way up, we stopped off in New Haven to take Jack, Joyce and Gramp out to lunch (feeling very grand about the event!).
We were invited to Cambridge to consider J.P.’s offer of a position at M.I.T. We received the “royal treatment,” in Philip’s words, and had fun. Philip’s decision was “not this year.”
Another “token raise” is forthcoming from President Rogers ($533) for next year as a result.
January 17, 1955
At approximately midnight we rushed Sue to Nassau Hospital for an appendectomy. All is well.
Fifty more gray hairs!
June, 1955
Philip drove up to R.P.I. with Nicholas & Vivian Hoff to present a paper at a conference (ASME spring).
June, 1955
Philip Tully attended the A.A.U.W. Nursery School 3 mornings a week this year. Thea participated in the schoolroom in her turn and acted as supplies chairman.
We have been continuing our practice of taking a day off from the children now and then. Usually we drive up to Wallingford, Conn., and take Gramp out for a drive and dinner.
Being able to spend a day in each other’s company on an adult level has been beneficial to our understanding of each other. It has also made it easier for Thea to handle daily problems, crises and tensions in between “days off.”
Philip is hopefully contemplating a long trip in the Fall ?!?!?
September, 1955
Philip flew to Europe for two weeks under the auspices of the Office of Naval Research by invitation of IUTAM to speak at the Symposium.
The meeting will be held in Madrid, Spain.
Philip will spend a few days in Bonn, Germany, visiting his parents. They have been stationed there since October 1954 when Nana died. (Susan Drew Miller)
November, 1955
The “long trip” came true! Mrs. Kalb moved into our house and took over the children. (Sue now in 4th grade, Philip in kindergarten, Betty in nursery school; Thea is secretary of the school board & the exec. comm.) Philip & Thea went by train up the Hudson to Chicago & thence to Monroe, Wisconsin, to visit the Frantzes. Back to Chicago for a week of conferences for Philip, sightseeing for Thea. Then to the Univ. of Minnesota in Minneapolis to consider a “job offer” from there. (Decision: “not at this time.”) Finally, to Kalamazoo for a “family visit.” Then wearily we did wend our way home, to our cosy house and our beautiful children.
Two whole weeks. Almost a dream!
Christmas, 1955
Again! And many more!
January 3, 1956
Thirteen! Unlucky? Oh no!
January 1956
Gramp died suddenly and peacefully. Bless him! (Max Elwyn Miller)
May – June 1956
Thea finished up a tremendously busy year in the nursery school (secretary, chairman of teacher personnel, committee to rewrite constitution, by-laws, and policies) by giving the historian’s report at a membership meeting. A spontaneous burst of applause at the end made me feel it had been a year well-spent.
June, 1956
Philip flew to California to attend the West Coast ASME Spring meeting.
Thea has been spending her time having various shots (oh misery!!), getting her passport, and arranging for the woman to take care of the children. She is getting ready, in an unbelieving sort of way, for a trip to Europe in September.
July, 1956
Philip received a letter from the dean of engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology asking him to accept the position of chairman of the Dept. of Mechanics. Philip has definitely refused. He is not interested in administration now, but in research and teaching.
September 5, 1956
Still unbelieving, but with all arrangements made, I boarded an S.A.S. plane this morning for Europe to join Philip for 3 ½ weeks!
October 1, 1956
Home again! And home looks wonderful. The children are fine. The long absence makes us all fonder.
But, what an adventure!
October 5, 1956
Mary & John Frantz visited us for the week-end. We’ve not yet unpacked yet ourselves. Good to see family, especially siblings.
October 11, 1956
The six Lee-s here for the four-day holiday week-end. Eleven people happily in this house! Very good.
October 17, 1956
With Jean Perry at home with children, Philip and Thea boarded the midnight ‘plane to Chicago to spend a week with Peter Chiarulli, considering job, living, schools. (New offer: professorship at IIT)
October 25, 1956
Home! decision none! The position there looks excellent and exciting for Philip. But all is well here too. Pres. Rogers has offered Philip a tremendous raise to stay here. We will take time to think about it and try to reach a decision by the time of the ASME annual meeting in November.
November, 1956
ASME annual meeting:
Philip appointed a sponser for a two-year term (for plasticity).
Nicholas Hoff told Philip he plans to go to Stanford to set up a new department.
Pres. Rogers asked Philip to stay here as Director of Structures Research under A. Ferri who will be new chairman.
Chiarulli pressing Philip to accept offer there.
We will take more time to think.
J.P. Den Hartog has again pressed Philip to come to M.I.T. and has reiterated that this is a standing offer.
Christmas, 1956
We have decided to accept the offer from IIT! So, the Hodges are again on the move. We will remain here until the summer.
January 3, 1957
Fourteen years!
The years go quickly on paper. But they are full.
February, 1957
Philip went up to R.P.I. to present a seminar paper. He was again asked if he would accept a position there. This offer has come too late for consideration. Good for morale, though.
March, 1957
We had a guest in our home for a week-end Prof. Waclaw Olszak of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. He is one of the first scientists to come to the U.S. from behind the Iron Curtain. At the request of the East-West Contact Staff of the State Dept., Philip has arranged a 7-week lecture tour for him.
Without household help, with three children and small quarters, it is not easy to have a week-end guest, cook fine meals, have company in the evenings. But when all is said and done, I find it quite rewarding, for social reasons and also when it is professionally advantageous for Philip.
March, 1957
Philip to Ann Arbor for a conference.